Sometimes I produce “middle” reads – short pieces on complicated economic matters written in fun or relatable manner. Here you will find the list of them.

Heartbreaking cuisine: food habits that change global trade
Your choice of the takeaway tell more about you than you think.

Black Swan and the 5 pirouettes the world is doing for coronavirus
The world is a stage now for a global ballet where the stage director is a global pandemic. Read the synopsis of this performance.
Was republished in TradeExperettes COVID-19 blog series [here]. Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts.

How to properly break up couples and the world
What’s common between an unsuccessful love story and global governance since WWII? Read about the inflection point for both.

Growing Up with No Santa
Why getting no presents for Christmas is not necessary because of the bad girls list: it can be a result of a measurement system difference

World Trade OrDeal: making romance and trade work
On the benefits of couple’s counselling and how building the world trade system is just the same as creating romance

Laws of (in)attention
How grocery shopping ruins world development, and how being single is alike to financial cycles

Development Fatigue and other contagious diseases of the 21st century
Why getting horrible gifts may be an indication of a successful relationship, and why this is good for international development

Counting airplanes and women: why it matters
Why women are unequally lauded with attention in media and why it is good for humanity survival

Can I get your number? When and when not to trust complete strangers, or economists
Why being single is just like trying to make an economic forecast

Are You a Lesbian? And other Questions on Global Gender Equality
A two-pager on the complexity of striving for global gender equality and why it can lead to a vast array of misunderstandings

Finding the perfect sustainability match
Why complete data privacy can ruin relationships and the world, and why we should stop trying to achieve it.

The Role of Consumer Action in Fighting Climate Change
A one pager on how hipsters and fennel relate to climate change and can help save the world